Thank you for enrolling with Epsom Medical Centre

Read on to find out what you need to do next.

Thank you for submitting your enrolment form.
We will set up your file, and if appropriate, request your notes from your previous GP.
Vensa Logo

Vensa online portal

We have an online ‘portal’ Vensa. This is excellent for repeat prescription requests and for making standard 15-minute doctor appointments.

Please go to the Vensa website if you would like to register for this online service.

How to best contact us

For other appointment types and queries, our preferred way of communication is via email at This is monitored throughout the working day, and we endeavour to respond as soon as we are able.

Our response depends on our workload, and what is involved in responding to your query – if it needs to be passed on to a nurse or doctor, there may be a wait as emails are usually prioritised below clinical work.

We need the telephone to be reserved for urgent matters only. This is important for maintaining access to reception and allowing us to get our work done. Thank you for your assistance with this.

We look forward to working with you.

If you wish to make an appointment, please go to our Appointment Request Form below to request your preferred day and time.

Appointment Request

Submit an appointment request and one of our team will contact you with a time.